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;-O ;-O

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Although it's not true for everyone, often times C/PTSD is a function of memories and feelings from experiences that are too overwhelming for a person to process naturally. Once you find the right resources and feel safe enough, it's important that you try to explore these memories and find a way to process them  so that they no longer persist and intrude into your present day. The events that happened are in the past, but the feelings still exist as if they are occurring right now. #PTSD #CPTSD Although it's not true for everyone, often times C/PTSD is a function of memories and feelings from experiences that are too overwhelming for a person to process naturally. Once you find the right resources and feel safe enough, it's important that you try to explore these memories and find a way to process them so that they no longer persist and intrude into your present day. The events that happened are in the past, but the feelings still exist as if they are occurring right now. #PTSD #CPTSD

I stumbled across a new blog this weekend,  Into Mind, a beautiful and  simply designed blog about personal style, minimalism and the perfect  wardrobe, and it was exactly what I had been looking for. I love when that  happens, especially when it's not incredibly clear what exactly it is that  y I stumbled across a new blog this weekend,  Into Mind, a beautiful and simply designed blog about personal style, minimalism and the perfect wardrobe, and it was exactly what I had been looking for. I love when that happens, especially when it's not incredibly clear what exactly it is that y

it's funny cuz it's true...but I've learned & changed a lot. but to be safe...don't piss me off!! ha! it's funny cuz it's true...but I've learned & changed a lot. but to be safe...don't piss me off!! ha!

Haha! SO true!                                                                                                                                                      More Haha! SO true! More

Remember why you're vegan. Remember why you're vegan.

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